Clinical characteristics of staphylococcal enterotoxin ige sensitization patients.
Author: Chaplenko Tatiana Nykolaevna
Co-authors: Kopeikina Svetlana Michailovna, Kubareva Anna Viktorovna
Allergo-immunological center of LLC «Immunovital»
Russia, Blagoveshchensk
Being sensitised to Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins (SEs) is significantly associated with an increased risk for having severe allergic diseases.
73 patients of allergic diseases aged 5-54 years were enrolled in the study. We assessed the prevalence of specific immunoglobulins E to SEs A (SEA- IgE), B (SEB- IgE), TSST (SETSST- IgE) by Immunocap, Phadia. Criteria for inclusion in the study: severe course of allergic diseases: atopic dermatitis (AD), allergic rhinitis (AR), bronchial asthma (BA). SEs was detected in 16 patients, 21.9%: BA 36%, in patients with AR 14%, AD 12%. In patients with SETSST- IgE combined with epidermal and household sensitization, with SEA- IgE pollen sensitization. In patients with cutaneous manifestations, SEB- IgE prevailed. SETSST- IgE was on patients with AR. Positive correlations SEswere obtained with the duration of the disease, the presence of chronic infection, polypous rhinosinusopathy.
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