The profile of sensitization to weeds in residents of the amur region. ⋆ Вестник аллерголога-иммунолога
The profile of sensitization to weeds in residents of the amur region. Medtouch

The profile of sensitization to weeds in residents of the amur region.

Author: Chaplenko Tatiana Nykolaevna

Co-authors: Kopeikina Svetlana Michailovna, Kubareva Anna Viktorovna

Allergo-immunological center of LLC «Immunovital»

Russia, Blagoveshchensk

The regional spectrum of sensitization to weeds not studied.

Specific immunoglobulin E was determined for wormwood w6-sIgE, sunflower w204-sIgE, ragweed w230-sIgE, recombinant allergen wormwood ArtV1 (ArtV1-sIgE) ArtV3 (ArtV3-sIgE) by Immunocap, Phadia, in patients who turned to an allergist with symptoms of seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis in the august. The ratios ArtV1-sIgE\w6-sIgE   were calculated retrospectively, and the possibility of using the ratio as a prognostic tool for the effectiveness of specific immunotherapy (SIT) was evaluated.

Of 76 patients aged 5-52 years who treated with symptoms of seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis in August, sensitization to pollen of the studied weeds was detected in 64 (87%). 81% w6-sIgE, of which 6 people have -8% monosensitization to wormwood, in other cases it was a combination of sensitization to other weeds. w230-sIgE was detected in patients with sensitization of more than 2 weeds.  ArtV1-sIgE was detected in 58 patients, 33 patients of them underwent a SIT with the allergen of wormwood. 6 had minimal clinical effect SIT. When assessing the ratio of ArtV1-sIgE\w6-sIgE     in this group, it was 1.08. ArtV1-sIgE\w6-sIgE   in the group with a good clinical response to the SIT was 1.99, which significantly differs from the comparison group.

Sensitization to wormwood is the greatest clinical significance in the region. The ratio ArtV1-sIgE\w6-sIgE   can be considered as a tool for predicting the effectiveness of sieves.

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Содержание № 19-20/2023
Содержание № 19-20/2023

    Авторы номера
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      доктор медицинских наук, профессор, генеральный директор Российской ассоциации аллергологов и клинических иммунологов (РААКИ), заместитель директора по клинической работе ФГБУ «ГНЦ Институт иммунологии» ФМБА России

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