Increased sensitivity to vegetable oil in patients with allergy to sunflower powder ⋆ Вестник аллерголога-иммунолога
Increased sensitivity to vegetable oil in patients with allergy to sunflower powder

Increased sensitivity to vegetable oil in patients with allergy to sunflower powder

Such allergies often enter the body during respiration and occur with infectious (bacteria, viruses) and food allergens. For this type of reaction to occur, it is sufficient that the protein content of allergens of different origins be 70%.

According to statistics, Interactions between air allergens and food allergens occur through three main mechanisms: allergen identifier, the culprit protein is present but hidden in the food; complete identification between respiratory and food allergen; common epitopes in food and breathable particles of various origins. This problem is not sufficiently studied and deserves special attention due to the need to develop correct diagnosis and treatment tactics of patients with this pathology.

The purpose of the study. To study the correlation between increased sensitivity to vegetable oil in patients with sensitivity to sunflower dust. Materials and methods. The study involved 50 patients aged 18 − 35 years who were allergic to sunflower pollen and had a history of vegetable oil allergy. A set of clinical and laboratory testing methods were used, such as anamnesis, patient screening, clinical analysis, detection of specific Ig E antibodies specific to sunflower dust allergens, and detection of specific Ig E antibodies specific to vegetable oil allergens. Research results. The study included 50 patients aged 18 − 35 years with allergies to sunflower pollen. The average flowering period of sunflower is 3 months (September, October, November). Among the observed patients, 25 patients with a history of allergy to vegetable oil (its products) were observed. Serum levels of Ig E antibodies specific to the vegetable oil protein allergen exceeded normal values (sIgE> 0.35 Me/L) in 45% of the patients in the study.

Conclusion. Research has shown that allergy to vegetable oil is not observed in all patients with hypersensitivity to sunflower dust.

Саидвалиева Навола Ботиржон қизи

Название организации:     Республика Илмий Ихтисослаштирилган Аллергология Маркази

Ф.И.О. соавторов − Ирсалиева Фотима Хусниддиновна, Нурматова Наргиза Фатхуллаевна, Бобоева Диера

Название организации соавторов − Республика Илмий Ихтисослаштирилган Аллергология Маркази

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Содержание № 19-20/2023
Содержание № 19-20/2023

    Авторы номера
    • Автор: Наталья Ивановна Ильина

      доктор медицинских наук, профессор, генеральный директор Российской ассоциации аллергологов и клинических иммунологов (РААКИ), заместитель директора по клинической работе ФГБУ «ГНЦ Институт иммунологии» ФМБА России

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